Top High DA Social Bookmarking Sites 2021 That Boost SEO & Traffic

Anyone who ever tried to do SEO  knows how much its complex, to say the least. High Da social bookmarking sites in 2021 are also work like tools that can have an impact on search engine optimization. These dofollow social bookmarking sites help to boost traffic on your site.

high da social bookmarking sites

What is social bookmarking in Search Engine Optimization?

Social bookmarking used for search, discover and share their site pages in other sites. People also are known as “Bookmark”

What is a social bookmarking site?

Social Bookmarking websites are those websites that allow us to share our content, links, images on their websites. These high pr social bookmarking sites play a big role to hit our site on the google search engine on the first page. Many people use these amazing high pr bookmarking sites to improve their website ranking on google.

Which of the following is a social bookmarking site in seo?

This is very easy to know which is the social bookmarking site. Open any website and check if they allow you to share your content and images on their websites its means this is a social bookmarking website.

What is the benefit of high da social bookmarking sites?

There are many good benefits of high da social bookmarking sites I have covered some good benefits of  bookmarking submission sites:

  • bookmarking submission sites help to drive quality web traffic in your sites. 
  • If you do bookmark in high da social bookmarking sites like twitter, facebook, Pinterest, then its a great opportunity for you to get quality backlink for your site.
  • When you list your site high pr social bookmarking sites then it’s a good opportunity for you to show your site in search results.

Why high pr social bookmarking sites is important? 

High PR DA social bookmarking sites mean that the website has good page ranking and domain authority. High da social bookmarking sites help your website to rank on google first page. Check given below social bookmarking sites importance:

  • If you do bookmark in High da bookmarking sites or you have good social bookmarking sites list then you can improve the domain authority of your site.
  • High pr bookmarking sites helps you to reduce the bounce rate.
  • A good social bookmarking sites list helps you to drive relevant traffic on your site.
  • High da social bookmarking sites provide you with quality backlinks.
  • Bookmarking submission sites like twitter,, facebook your blog post can viral.
  • High pr bookmarking sites Helps your webpages Fast Indexing.

Does social bookmarking sites 2021 will still work?

We have a good social bookmarking sites 2019 list which will help to boost your website traffic and hit your site in google first page. many people have confusion that social bookmarking sites 2021 will work or not in SEO. 

Absolutely yes, social bookmarking sites in 2021 will definitely improve your ranking and make your site viral. 

Because everyone on social media and social sites helps to send ranking signals to google bots.

People will use more social bookmarking sites than last past years so don’t worry about that social bookmarking site will not work in 2021 or not.

Here My Top social bookmarking sites Which I use:

1. Twitter: This is Top in my social bookmarking sites list because this is a global conversation platform.

You can’t believe but every fresh content or news related to what happening in the world and what they are talking about uploaded on this website.

Twitter has unlimited traffic you can target relevant traffic from this site.

This site allows you to upload the image, website links and use #hashtags related to your site.

This website Domain authority is very high and if you post your content with website link then it helps to fast Google Indexing.

Twitter bookmarking also helps to increase your site Domain Authority and give you powerful Quality Backlinks.

2. Pinterest:

Pinterest is an amazing high da social bookmarking site. This website has more than 180 million of users monthly base. 

This website allows us to pin images and attach blog links within the post.

Pinterest is a great way to brand awareness, promote your blog, for businesses, developers, for investors.

Through Pinterest, many of e-commerce stores do sales and product awareness.

This website also can help you to increase your sales and brand awareness. Pinterest is totally free to use and offer you high-quality links.

3. StumbleUpon/Mix

StumbleUpon is one of the best social bookmarking sites 2021 and most famous websites which allow the user to submit their website blog or page URLs.

This website has also a very high trust score and lakhs of people use this site.

Now the StumbleUpon site becomes Mix in the last year 2018 and promise that they offering the same usability.

It also comes with the toolbar extension which makes the process easier. 

4. Dribble:

This site Founded in 2009 and more the 40,000 most innovative and brands around the world is using Dribble.

Dribble comes in very high da and dofollow social bookmarking sites. This site allows you to upload images and descriptions with a webpage link.

If you like to explore more creative designs or your sites about web designs then it’s a great source to get valuable backlinks.

5. Delicious:

Delicious is another one of the great social bookmarking sites if you looking for maximum visitors on your created content.

6. Pocket:

Pocket website started in 2007, and allow users to save their interesting articles and many more things which user can access any time.

This website has more than 30 millions users registered and it allow you to access content anywhere. Pocket is a good chance to save your links and get a valuable link for the site.

7. Digg:

Want amazing content?

Then its found on Digg.

Digg is the perfect bookmarking sites that allow you to share your content and give you the chance to engage content with their audience.

8. Folkd:

Folkd provides bookmarking services that contain unique search features and work like search engines.

That allows the user to save their favorite links or content on the website.

This website helps to rank in google and offer you Dofollow backlinks for your site.

9. Reddit:

Want more conversations and communities?

Reddit is the hub of thousands of conversations and communities. Whether it’s about news, sports, Tv fan or others.

Every day millions of users post content, vote, comments in communities around the world.

This site has more 430M+ monthly active users and 130k+ active communities.

You can’t believe but this site allows you to share stories, blog posts, links, images, and videos and offer you a high-quality do-follow backlink.

10. Fark:

Fark promises to offer quality content.

This is a social news site, Fark check ton of submissions daily but they show up only the best one to their audience.

This site is not for spammy or weak content.

But, If you ready to show your talent and post quality content then its golden opportunity to drive huge traffic on your site.

11. BizSugar:

If you want to grow up start-up business then BizSugar is the best bookmarking site that allows startups, marketing, small businesses to build reputation and brand trust.

12. Slashdot:

Slashdot is an ultimate storytelling homepage type social bookmarking site.

This website allows you to submit and share content on traveling, gaming, software and more.

13. We Heart It:

This is one of my favorite websites because we can submit and share any kind of content.

We Heart It looks nice and very easy to use.

This website allows users to bookmarking, upload images and article submission.

14. Scoop.It: is a great website for research and publishes the best content and trusted by more than 4K millions of marketers.

This website help to website and blogs, knowledge sharing, personal branding, and content distribution.

15. Trendiee:

For users who like Newsvine sites and when its shut down, Trendiee takes place of Newswine and offers the same platform for users.

This website main target is to connect people and trending news. It allow users to share content, images, and links.

16. Diigo:

Diigo is an academic type like students, educators’ social bookmarking site.

This website allows you to submit a bookmarking link, PDF, Image Sharing, Notes.

17. BibSonomy:

BibSonomy is another owsm social bookmarking site that allows us to share and collaborate with relevant content.

18. Pearltrees:

Pearltrees is another bookmarking site which allows us to organize, share links, content. It’s great way to drive traffic on site.

19. DZone:

DZone is the largest publisher community and knowledge-sharing site for technology professionals.

This site started in 1997 and now more then 1000000+ members are using this website. Dzone is the best place to share, read and learn the latest technologies.

20. Medium:

Medium offers to share original stories for thinkers, writers, and storytellers. 

This site allows us to share content and engage their millions of audiences.

21. Flipboard:

Flipboard is another social bookmarking site that allows us to curates world stories. This site allows us to share our site link and article.

22. Facebook:

As you know facebook is a very popular site in all world. This is the best site to share content, images, links.

Facebook is the best way to generate organic and trusty traffic for your site.

23. Instapaper:

Instapaper is fantastic social bookmarking sites that allows saving any interesting article, video, links of your sites. This site very easy to use and make it easy to highlight the important things.

24. LinkedIn:

LinkedIn is a very professional website more than 500 million+ members are registered on this site.

This site helps to connect with people and learn new things, post jobs.

25. Tumblr:

I always use this amazing bookmarking sites for creating powerful backlinks.

Tumblr id allows us to post the article, link, video and image sharing.

Also, check my other social bookmarking sites list which I always use:

26. Tracky:

Tracky is another website that allows us to content creation and curation.

This site provides do-follow backlinks which very helpful for site ranking.

27. Minds:

Minds site is a social network that works like facebook. This site founded in 2011 and 1.25+ million users are registered. 

It allows us to share content, images, links, using specific tags and join groups.

28. Boredpanda:

Boredpanda site started in 2009, this is a magazine type site which offers creators to share content, images in different categories.

29. Ello:

Ello is the best bookmarking sites 2021 that started in march 2014 and now they have more then 1000000+ users.

This website gives permission to users to discover, share, publish and promote their links, images, and content.

30. Gab:

Gab is a popular social bookmarking sites 2021 release in 2016 and now they have more then 1000000+ registrations and active users.

This website looks like twitter. this site give permission to upload images, content, links.

31. Plurk:

Plurk is a social networking site found in 2008 they have ton of active users. This site gives permission to users to upload short massage, description, links, and Images.